More tips for the information kits
Whether you're working on the pandemic employee info kit or the homecoming media kit, just remember these few guidelines:
You need only three separate items for the kits, which means there's only three pages inside the kit (not counting the extra sheet I passed out in class, from, which could be included).
You'll have a one-page news release, written in AP Style (remarkably enough, we'll work on this on Monday, when you bring your kit to class). For the pandemic, you'll write an employee news release, to inform them about upcoming meetings and about preparations so far. For homecoming, you'll write about the department's plans for homecoming, the cake contest, the Daily's anniversary, etc.
You'll have a one-page fact sheet (pandemic: list of policies, preparations, guidelines; homecoming: facts about department and NT Daily's anniversary)
You'll have a one-page schedule of events for homecoming kit, and for the pandemic kit, you'll have a one-page list of resources that employees might need.
We'll work tomorrow to build this list, during our special session, but you can do this on your own, too. What web sites, basic information, etc., will employees need to make sense of pandemic flu? For instance, you might want to include definitions for pandemic, quarantine, isolation, plus give a list of web sites that are useful (and also credible domains). You can be creative and helpful here.
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