Have a nice weekend ...
If you're behind on your posts, now is the time to catch up. If you have at least three messages, then you're in good shape and don't need to make any new posts this week.
If you're behind on your posts, now is the time to catch up. If you have at least three messages, then you're in good shape and don't need to make any new posts this week.
You’ll have a T/F portion and multiple guess, each worth two or three points. Also, five or six short-answer questions will be included. To best prepare, use the quizzes included on the web site from our textbook (see link in prior posting).
We'll be having a test next Wednesday, Sept. 27, over chapters 1-4. A review will be posted here later this week, but in the meantime, if you're not caught up on your reading, now is a good time to do that. Also, use the interactive quizzes available through the textbook publisher at this link:
As we discussed in class today, you'll need a blog entry about chapter 3 for this week--whatever you find most interesting in the history of this fairly new and uniquely American profession. Be sure to spend some time with the case study in that chapter about the Red Cross and blood drives following September 11, 2001.
For this week, please find two job ads for PR jobs and bring them to class with you for next Wednesday, Sept. 13. For your blog entry, interview three acquaintences with these questions:
You'll need to create a blog and post to your own blog this week, based on instructions that I posted Monday, two messages before (or below) this posting. Those instructions include your investigation of a good definition of PR, based on links, class discussion, and your textbook.